Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Change Your Jacket, Change Your Look

How To Style Fall Jackets

Tis the season for layers and I love it!  Though the afternoons are still heating up in Florida, I wanted to play with the few fall jackets I own.  Why? Because I often forget the impact we can make by simply changing our outer layer and maybe the shoes. This impact means more wears for your favorite items. It can make an "old" item seem new again. So that's exactly what I went for with today's feature. Let the story begin...
I was in a hurry, preparing for Sunday morning church so there was no time for fashion deliberations.

I want to wear this buffalo plaid skirt. 
I need a solid color that contrasts well; one that works for fall.
What jacket works? Denim. It always works.
Shoes? Olive green to finish the fall feel. 
Jewelry? Grab and add as you go!

The morning quickly passed and I knew if I was going to get pictures, I had to get them as soon as we returned home. Once my casual clothes are on, I'm not dressing back up. Can I get a witness? 

This is when I decided to try different jackets and shoes for different looks. How well would the colors go? Could I come up with at least three combinations that I like? 

Well, I think I did, and I could have kept going! Try more shoes or try more jackets, blazers and cardigans and the combinations could entertain for hours - ha! This skirt from the spring is turning out to be a multi-season asset. I look forward to playing with it again at Christmas.  

Three Fall Looks

Classic Denim - Of Course
As I stated above, the denim jacket is a safe choice whenever you're in a hurry. Chances are it's going to work!  
Buffalo Check
Green Utility Jacket
This utility jacket was my next sure choice. Since I liked the olive-colored sandals I wore above, I knew that I'd like the colors. Once again, I grabbed green shoes, only this time I wanted a heel. All jewelry stayed the same! 

Leather Moto Jacket
Last but not least is my loved leather jacket. It's too hot to pull this one off in South Florida but maybe at the end of the month. As for the shoes, I was torn between black booties or leopard sandals, but the humidity made the choice for me. Don't think this outfit would be good for Halloween?

Skirt / / Necklace (c/o Luca Love)/ / Leopard Ankle Strap / / Earrings
luca love
Skirt / / Necklace (c/o Luca Love)/ / Leopard Ankle Strap / / Earrings
Well, that's all for today my friends. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the skirt is still available. And of course it's on sale. If you want to see how I styled this skirt in the spring for more inspiration, hop on over HERE


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  1. I love the way you changed up the look of this skirt with the jackets - that skirt is really so versatile and you are so creative. And beautiful Chrissy! Love what you did here!

  2. Chrissy, what a fabulous skirt! I love the orange cami with it and all 3 jackets and shoe choices work so well. It really is going to be quite a versatile skirt for all season wear! And I hear you about catching that perfect moment for photos. It's not just about catching the right light, we also have to be in the right mood to pose and smile. I can't even tell you how many times I have gotten dressed for photos and something happens that delays the process, I get super annoyed and change back into comfy lounge clothes and bail on the whole darn thing! The struggle is real. I hope you have a fantastic day, my friend!


  3. I loved this when I saw it on Insta! Such a cute and versatile skirt! I love it styled with all of these jackets! I can't wait to see how you style it for the holidays!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  4. This is why I have so many different kimonos, haha! I don't have a lot of heavy coats or jackets because of the heat here but I do find different colours and styles and lengths and prints can change up a classic outfit combo with that extra layer! :) You look fantastic in every version of this outfit! :)

    Thanks for the link up :)

    Hope your week is going well :)

    Away From Blue

  5. I too went crazy over the skirt when I saw it on Instagram! I need some serious help with reels! I am crazy about the skirt and I love what you did hear my beautiful beautiful friend!

  6. One little change really does make the look different! Lots of great outfit ideas! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  7. Hey, sweetie, looking so cute! I was thinking about trying to style my plaid skirt for fall but it's *pink* so might be more challenging!

  8. You are just the CUTEST! i love that skirt!

  9. I love these looks and that skirt is fantastic! We've had a couple of days where I was able to wear a jacket and it was really fun. Cooling off this weekend: might try to do something like this!

  10. I love this look with all three jackets! It's always so nice to be able to create so many outfits from the same base pairing. I think my favorite is the one with the olive utility jacket!

    Miles of smiles,

  11. This is such a cute idea for a post and wow, all three of those jackets really change up this look! I can't even pick a favorite, I love them all. And I love that skirt!


  12. Such fun looks! I liked it all but the one with olive jacket is so beautiful.

  13. I love layering too! So fun to change it up with jackets- but I hav to tell you that for me it's that awesome skirt that steals the show!! YOu look great Chrissy xx

  14. What a lovely skirt! And you styled it so good! Have a great weekend Chrissy!

  15. This goes to show how a great base layer can be the way to go. You can add so many different jackets and change the overall look!!
    Love them all Chrissy,

  16. you look great! It really does feel like a whole new look with different jackets! I also really love the skirt!

    Life is a Shoe

  17. These three outfits are beautiful and I love how changing your jacket really does change the overall look. My denim jacket is my most worn outerwear but I told myself I would try to wear my faux leather jacket a bit more this year. Unfortunately, it is also still too hot where I live so will need to wait a bit more to play around with it. I hope all is well and happy weekend!

    Maureen |

  18. Not surprising you nailed all three looks! I am especially suprprised about how much I like the utility jacket look. I don't own one and although I've liked them on others, I just haven't really gravitated to them myself. I absolutely love it with this skirt! Oh, how I wish a trip to Florida was in my future, it would certainly make the thought of the long winter ahead bearable. I am a give me all the heat kind of a girl, but maybe I'd feel differently if I lived in it.

  19. Love all three looks, Chrissy. By changing the jacket, you totally shift the vibe and create absolutely new look


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