Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Preparing for Spring/Summer Shopping & Link Up

This week's fashion post is a simple throwback to a few looks from last spring and summer. I love to do this before I make any purchases for the new season. Comparing what was trending to what is trending helps me see how I did on purchase decisions. It also helps me get organized and determine if I need to refresh shoes, shorts, etc. With stores beginning to open in our area, I'm prepared for what will feel like an amazing privilege - instore shopping! I love the convenience of shopping online, but I miss the people watching, the soft lighting in the Lucky Brand Store fitting room, and the time alone I get when I shop (no one in my family wants to go along!).
Speaking of online shopping, have you made any purchases during the lockdown? What are you buying? Clothes? Items for the house, etc? The only thing I purchased was makeup and vitamins. All the rest of our money is going towards food. Oh, the quantity of food I've purchased. I look into Amazon pantry for my area but it's not available so out and about I go. That being said, I stay close to home, appreciating Mom & Pop stores more so now than ever. These locally-owned places are taking precautions but I don't feel like I'm going through airport security or customs when I shop them.

Anyway, that's the beauty of freedom of choice. Each store needs to do what they think is necessary and I can shop where I feel comfortable. Enough of that - here's to freedom in fashion. Wear what you feel beautiful and comfortable in my dears. Hopefully, today's post will inspire you to create a look from your closet or maybe you'll want to add a piece or two!  Anything I was able to link is under each photo or down at the end of the post. :)

The Gap Midi Dress
Boho In Distress
Boho Meets Blazer
Another Show Stopper Option - Save 20% with GRANOLANGRACE20

Good Vibes Tee
These tees are still trending - oh joy!

GAP Shorts
I bought a pair of green, khaki, and these stripes shorts last summer. I was in desperate need of replenishing the supply!
Amazon Find
I have two of these tie tops from Amazon. I purchased one in a small and one in the medium. The small is fitted and I rarely wear that one. However, this blue one is on repeat!
 Similar Floral Top // Denim Shorts

Short Overalls
Yes! They are still in style. I wore these so often I'm sure my neighbors believe I had little else.
 Short Overalls

Cotton Dreams From Lucky Brand
I love this dress, but the dog chewed the tie so I'll have to see what I can do to hide that!
Latest Lucky Brand Option

Classic Shorts & Tee
This is the other item my neighbors saw.

"Oh, thank goodness. She has other clothes besides those short overalls!"

What clothes are you excited to add to your spring/summer wardrobe? I should do a wish list post and then see how much I end up going for by the end of the season. And before you go, did you see the GIVEAWAY I shared about in Tuesday's blog post? It's for a FREE blog or Influencer course by LadyBossBlogger. Check it out HERE.
Last Week's Pick
Jess from Elegantly Dressed & Stylish is wearing a dress that's calling my name! ;)


Our Party Rules Are Simple
~Please Only Link Posts related to Fashion, Beauty or Shopping
~Please Link No More than 3 Posts
~ Please visit other Linkers and Show them your love
~We’d LOVE it if you followed all our Blogs and Socials

Listed Clockwise from our GRAPHIC

Chrissy from Granola & Grace

Lisa from Coast to Coast

Andrea from Living in Cloud Nine

Shelly from The Queen In Between

Laura from The Horton Family

Kellyann from This Blonde’s Shopping Bag



  1. I adore all these looks but I especially love the dresses and your darling bibs! Sweet summa sista!!

  2. These are cute spring/summer pieces! I really like the dresses :) I have bought myself a tee that I picked up when I was buying the kids some winter things online, the'd grown out of the things from last year! But otherwise no fashion purchases, it's all been food or activities / educational things for the kids. It's been rather good for my budget, ha!

    Thanks for the link up! Hope that you are having a great week :)

    Away From Blue

  3. So many cute outfits Chrissy! I adore all of your dresses. The boho vibes and easy feel, I just can't get enough! I also did realize that I need a shortall! That's next on my shopping list. :) Happy Wednesday!

    Maureen |

  4. All of these summer looks are so cute! Love your boho styling! I'm in the process of doing a closet inventory to see what I need to add to my closet for summer.

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  5. If I looked that cute in short overalls, I'd wear them all the time, too! I was pretty much buying fabric during lockdown. Then I decided I needed shoes! A couple of t-tops may have gone into my shopping cart lately, too!

  6. Loving all the looks.

  7. Thank you for the feature Chrissy! The dress was something different for me!
    You have so many beautiful looks here for the warmer months. I love the hankerschief dress and of course denim shorts are a must! You do boho so well! I love the first dress too with the leather belt. I need a rattan natural belt for some of my summer looks and yes! guilty as charged for shopping during this time. :-)
    jess xx

  8. Hi! I love the idea of going through last summer's looks! It's a good way to see what's still in and loveable to you- and often enough, it limits the purchasing! I too am one for local stores:)

  9. Chrissy, I love it all! The Good Vibes tank top is so totally my jam. I have ordered a few things during lockdown but I haven’t received any of it yet because of shipping delays. So I am going to just wait until I get those things first before I shop for anything else. Although, once the thrift shops open, I don’t think I will be able to resist.


  10. Chrissy,
    I love your Boho summer style.
    Many fashion trends are on repeat again this summer so shopping our closets is a good thing before we purchase anything new.
    I can't believe summer is just around the corner!
    Thank you for the link up party!


  11. I love that Gap dress and the Gap shorts. Haven't shopped there in years! I did some shopping the last couple of months so I am not really itching for anything. The last things I got are 2 pairs of shorts from Target at the beginning of the month: there was some updating to be done and I had wanted some white shorts for the past 2 years!!

  12. This is such a cute link up. I will try to remember to link up every week!

  13. Chrissy I couldn't pick a favorite if I tried! All of these really showcase your creative and fun style and I'd wear each and every one of them!

  14. I have been shopping online WAY too much!! For me of course, but also my hubby. Good thing some of it has been on Poshmark. I just love that scarf as a belt with your shorts, Chrissy.

  15. I have only been pre loved shopping online! I love that boho dress, it really looks amazing on you!

  16. Hey Chrissy!! I have a link party too now- every Friday woo hoo!! Please come link up! Thanks xx

  17. Fabulous outfits! I love the Gap midi dress! I've bought a few pieces of clothing online and also some preloved items from eBay...there are some great sales on at the moment that are hard to resist!

    Emma xxx

  18. Such cute outfits! Like everyone else, I love that floral midi dress! The denim shorts are a staple for everyone and you've styled them so cutely!! Thanks for sharing the inspiration!

    xx Darlene

  19. Hey girlie!! Such cute looks! My favorite are those darling shorts overalls... I'd be wearing them all summer too!!!

  20. These are super cute looks, my favorite are the dresses and overalls!!


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