Friday, March 6, 2020

Friday Favorites: Jeans, People and Places

Jeans, people and places. Doesn't that sounds fabulous? Maybe it depends on the day because I've had plenty of denim hunting moments where I felt frustrated with life. Can I get a witness? Over the years I've found some favorites that I'm sharing with you today. Also, sprinkled throughout this post are a couple more fashion items, life experiences and more. Thank you so much for joining in!
Favorite Graphic Tee & Jeans
First up is my second most worn tee from Thread Tank. When I saw this top, I knew it was for me. Where are those adventures? I'm ready to say "yes"! The jeans were found at a boutique, but I'm adding some links to a similar pair. My top three worn jeans are from Lucky Brand, Judy Blue Denim and Articles of Society. They are just so stylish and comfortable!
Graphic Tee (Want 10% off? Use Code Chrissy10)
Farm House Handbag
I received this handbag as a gift for Christmas but couldn't find it online. Well, I finally reached out to my sweet friend and she spilled the beans. From there I found a knockoff on Amazon for half the price. Both are linked below.
Farmhouse Is My Style/Amazon Dupe

My First Women's Event
What a joy it was to take part in set up for a women't event at our church. I learned all about the church's nooks and crannies, looking for items to use to warm up the auditorium. And one sweet gal brought two tub fulls of hurricanes, candles etc.

Quick Before of the Back
We borrowed furniture from all over the church to create a cafe vibe in the back and a living room vibe on the stage.

Recognize those poufs?? I brought of few of my own pieces for the mix. As for the fresh flowers, they came from the sweet guests of honor at the Valentine's dinner the night before. Love how things come together! 

Favorite Mini-Life Lesson: Eggs From a Neighbor
My week and weekend was beyond capacity. I kept forgetting items. I sent my eldest to the store for plastic cups and forks for an event at the house. I forgot something for the salad. The icing on the cake was when I realized I forgot eggs for the brownies! What in the world? That overwhelmed feeling began to take over. Self-recriminating thoughts began to build.

I took a deep breath and thought about our sweet neighbor. With apron still on, I sheepishly walked over and rang her doorbell. She greeted me warmly, her pups excitedly.

"Hi, come on in!"
"Shush Lucky, we have a visitor!"

It occurred to me that I should to visit this sweet widow more. And not just when I needed something.  I asked her for three eggs and she kindly spared a few. After thanking her profusely, I hurried back home to finish up. However, when I looked down at the three eggs a small lesson became clear to me. What felt like failure to me, opened an opportunity to begin a camaraderie, maybe even the beginning of a friendship. It also opened up the opportunity for her to feel needed. Two positives from a negative. ;)

Favorite Bath & Beauty Item
I shared a full post on this deodorant last month and I'm here a month later to tell you I still love their deodorant. It smells so lovely and now, so do I. In addition, I want to support the two women responsible for these fabulous creations at Wildroot. For that reason it's landing another blog spot. Visit them HERE and use code granola_n_grace20 for 20% off!

A New Coffee Shop & Impromptu Influencer Meet Up

There are several bloggers and influencers around town. Many of whom, I've met at influencer events. However, this meet up was spontaneous and small. What I thought would be an hour ended up being three hours! I'm sure we will meet up again. In the meantime, I'm reminded of how important it is to not overthink invites. Go for it and have a back up escape plan just in case! ha!

Oh and taking the photo is one who likes to stay behind the scenes. She's amazing and I plan on getting her in the photo next time! Muahahahahahahah
Ok my friends! That's plenty of favorites for today. If you didn't catch this week's post on the most gorgeous sustainable, vegan leather wallet hop on over and check it out HERE. It's also our weekly link up with the Style Six!

Linking Up With Friday Favorites!



  1. Great post Chrissy! Love that you connected with your neighbor and some influencers in your area! Looks like a lot of fun!

  2. Your women's event sounds amazing and I love seeing the set-up and transformation! How fun that you got to connect with some other bloggers! I'm glad you connected with your neighbor! Have a wonderful weekend!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  3. Your AHHMAZING....So Happy for the connections you’ve made!! Have the sweetest weekend my love!

  4. Love the set up for the event! Oh the eggs- for those of us who don't like to ask for help or even accept gifts, we have to remember sometimes there is a blessing in there for those that want to help and we need to let them.

  5. Such a pretty set up for your event! i love the story about borrowing eggs from your neighbor! So sweet!

  6. Planning to order some tees from threadtanks next month. Need me some graphic tees! We have some great neighbors in our cul de sac, very thankful for that. You all did a beautiful job with your event set up. Looks very honey and professional.

  7. Love this post- and graphic tees! So nice about you and your neighbor! Lucybertoldi

  8. Awww hope you've had a chance to visit your neighbour. I love your print tee, I have a somewhat similar one that says "paradise found" and been wearing that to death lately!


  9. Hope you can develop a closer relationship to your neighbor. I bet she would love the company and friendship.
    What a transformation of your church for the women's event. Our church had a women's event on Friday. I had planned to go but at the last minute being home just sounded better.

  10. What a great tee! I think you did a lovely job decorating the church and it's so sweet your neighbour could help you out! :)

    Hope that you had a great weekend :) Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp :) I just posted this week's linkup, if you want to join again.

    Away From Blue


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