Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Amazon: January Purchase Round Up for 2020

Oh Amazon, you just might rule the world some day. Maybe not, but they sure hooked me with the convenience of 2 day FREE shipping. Who thought we'd purchase furniture, food, supplements, electronics, fashion and SO much more in one place? I'm spoiled, I admit it and I'm happy to share my January purchases here on the world wide web! ;)

In My Coffee - MCT oil
I started taking MCT oil for my extra brain support (no. for real) after a local health store recommendation. Happy with the results, I decided to continue usage and purchase another bottle. I put a tablespoon in my coffee in the mornings 5 days a week. I've tried CBD for focus and I'm noticing better results with the MCT.
Grab it HERE
Snook Tervis
My hubby loves to fish and he especially loves anything Snook related now that we live by the gulf. So this arrived just in time for his birthday! These bottle top designs by Tervis are my favorite. If you find a thermal one, even better!
Purchase HERE

Planners - $8.00 Shipped!
Since I'm getting this brain under control (for the time being), I decided to order this budget tracker and 90 Day Wellness. Corrie LeeAnn designed several varieties...day to day planners, travel planners, inspirational, wedding etc! This will go nicely with my Cultivate Goal planner! I think I have a planner addiction. I just like writing things out. ;)

Magnetic Dry Erase Markers
I use these for my fridge calendar where I write family related dates and the meals for the week. They also come in handy for the school agenda with the twins! One of the magnets fell off the lids and I had to glue it back on. Other than that, I felt they were satisfactory at $8.00 for ten.
Check Out Markers HERE

Moroccan Poufs & Boho Dreams
I ordered these poufs to serve as ottomans first and then extra seating second. However, they ended up being too low for my hubby's comfort. In addition, the leather smell was strong for 3 days after opening them. I almost sent them back, but a couple of bargain finds to finish off our family room changed my mind.
The cognac color blended so beautifully, the leather smell dissipated and the versatility for our houseful became apparent! Note, they come unstuffed so I took the advice of other reviewers and packed them full of old t-shirts and blankets!

Purchase Ottoman HERE

Books I ordered and Read
I read one auto-biography and one inspirational book this month. Yes. Two. I completed two, which is quite the feat for me.  They are both inspiring reads for different reasons.

In Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel goes into GREAT depths about his journey to discover truth. He is completely unbiased, shares facts and is respectful throughout the whole book.

In the Gospel Comes With a House Key, Rosaria Butterfield shares her personal experience in opening her home to those in the church and out of the church. It's already challenged me to take a closer look to how often I share my "table" with others.
Check it Out HERE

Waiting in My Cart For Next Time!

Black and White Outdoor Rug
We found a "dinged" up table marked down at Lowes for under $100. There's no dining chairs yet, but this rug is waiting in the cart for when we find some!

Thumb Scrapers
These look handy and according to the reviews people use them for more than just removing jar labels and price tags. I saw that they were scraping dirt of boots, cleaning those pizza stones, the stove, gunk around the faucet.
Lovely Heart Mat
I know. I need to stop with the rugs, but these are only $11 and I see lots of ways to put this throw rug to use. Bonus, they come in several different color options.
Check Out the Mat HERE
Thrilled to be linking up with Tanya at the Other side Of The Road!



  1. So many great finds! Those thump scrapers are genius! I just love the pink heart rug and that ottoman is so cute!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  2. I love your ottomans Chrissy! I think they're going to be great in your home. That striped rug will be wonderful too on your patio. Happy chair hunting!!

  3. My hubby swears by that MCT oil! Have a great week.

  4. The ottoman looks perfect in your space! It's amazing how versatile things like that are when you have a house full of young people. Also, on the dry erase boards, I kept one on the fridge and posted the meals for the week, it was so great not having to answer "what's for dinner?" hundreds of times! Those fuzzy heart rugs are so stinkin' cute! I need to think up a reason I "need" one! Hugs!

  5. I've been looking at that same striped rug for the front porch. I'm torn between it and the plaid. The thumb scrapers are genius! I'm always worried I'm going to break a nail scraping. Your pouf photography is excellent, Chrissy!!! XOXO

  6. That pouf ottoman is so fun- and I love that it comes unstuffed, which makes it more affordable! Packing it with old t-shirts is such a smart idea!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  7. THAT HEART MAT!!!!!
    Yep... I think I need those magnetic markers!!!!

  8. I am absolutely crazy about those sweet little heart rugs! So cute, the pink one would look great up in my office. And I totally love your poufs, they make great little Ottomans and I love the design! xo

  9. I have never heard of MCT oil, and now I'm intrigued. I could definitely use some help with focus! Thanks also for the recommendation on the hospitality book. Love your blog design! Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  10. Oh the Ottoman is very cool! Very nice finds, I never ordered on amazone.

  11. Such a beautiful purchases. I love planners and hart mat.

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