Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Florida Style Winter Bucket List for 2020

The sweet Leslie is hosting a Winter Bucket List link up and I'm excited to join her. Isn't the graphic fun? For me, I can dream of a cracking fire flickering in the background as I sip a hot drink while staring out the window. The view looks similar to the graphic. Snow covering the fields, trees decorated in white and maybe in some hills in the distance. I enjoy day dreaming every now and then. However, my winter looks nothing like that! It's Florida with the occasional grey skies, but mostly sunshine.

This is our peak season. Crowds fill the stores, roads, restaurants and even the beach. Many traveled down south, taking 75 all the way. It will be like this til April. All are welcome, right? Anyway, they are here to enjoy the mild Florida weather and I can't blame them a bit.  I'm going to do the same. However, before I do, I'll share a few benefits I thought of for compiling a bucket list!

***A Few Benefits of a Bucket List***

Helps you realize what you enjoy.
Many people journey through life from one task to another without considering what truly matters to them. Dreaming helps us become aware of what's personally important to the season we're in. I was one of those personalities that went from event to event. As spontaneous as I am, I ended up being overcommitted. This lead to a tired mind with no room left for creativity.

Gets your creative juices going.
One idea builds off of another. When you start jotting down things you love something happens in your brain. Whatever it is, you'll find a smile on your face! If you're a creative type, you need space in your schedule for day dreaming. This is a good way to those dreams down to paper.

Helps you savor those things that you value more.
Life slips past us at alarming speeds if we're not careful to dial in to the moments!
Adds excitement to the monotony! Isn't it nice to see events on the calendar that you look forward to, not just "have to" do?

Gives you sense of accomplishment. 
If you complete the majority of your bucket list, you will feel inspired to accomplish even more. Your confidence will grow. The list doesn't have to be extravagant and is in fact more realistic if you add small endeavors!

Questions to ask yourself if you decide to start one: 
  • What fires me up? 
  • What makes me feel refreshed?
  • How do I relax?
  • What is my style of adventure?
  • If I could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
  • What local restaurant have I been wanting to try? 
  • What hobby have I neglected?
  • Is there something new I've been wanting to learn? 
Winter Bucket List - South Florida Style

Ride My Bike More
Tour The Ringing Museum with my hubby. 

Read on the Beach with a hot beverage and a blanket. Maybe have a picnic!

Get another Busch Gardens Trip in...
...with only the younger boys. While my sister was in town we all went and I realized there is a lot to offer for younger boys.  Of course we hadn't explored that section because the older boys were not about that!
Visit the Saturday Market More
Go Hiking!
I recently heard about a special trail at our local State Park that I want to try. This is the year!
Complete a Study on the Book of Romans
Bible Study
Stay a couple of nights in a "Tiny House" - ALONE
Ok, I want one night by myself and one night with my hubby. The last few months have been crazy and I'm struggling to focus on any "extras". I want to get back to goal planning and I think a night away is just the thing!
Get My Calendar in Order and Set Some Goals
I think this may require that getaway but I will work on it as I go until I can make that happen.
Host A Valentine's Dinner
I did this last year and want to repeat it with a little added flair!
Alright, have you already compiled a bucket list? Share it with us! If not, are you ready to start one?



  1. This is such a good list! And I love your tips on getting one started! All I want to do in the winter is stay in with a good book and hot cup of tea and wait for spring!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  2. What a great list! It's nice you can enjoy the milder winter weather and get out and about more often! :) Good luck with completing everything!

    Hope your week is off to a great start :)

    Away From Blue

  3. I need to finish that Roman's study myself... you have just given me the push I need to pick it up & finish it AND the 2nd one.

  4. These are great ideas! I love your tips about coming up with a winter bucket list too. I find having a list really helps me stay motivated to check things off!

  5. Hello Chrissy! Welcome to the Winter Bucket List link-up. I appreciate you sharing with us some of the thought process that went into your list. I may have to borrow the questions when planning my spring bucket list. Enjoy your Florida winter!

    1. Thank you Christie! It was so fun to join up. And borrow away on those questions...and by all means, add more. I ran out of time to think of more!

  6. Great ideas and love your photos!

  7. Oh, it warms my heart to have you join in the for the bucket list this season. I really find that having a list...whatever you want to call the list...of activities you'd like to enjoy makes them more likely to happen. Otherwise, PC and I eat a whole lotta McD's and see a lotta of not-so-good movies. The joy on your face in the bike riding photo says it all. If that gives you pleasure, do it more!! I would love to stay in a tiny house, too. We did a week in a small VRBO RV and I adored it. PC at 5'10" and 225 lbs, not so much. So maybe I need to go it alone one night!!
    Thank you so much for joining me. Hope this exercise will spur you to finish that Bible study - I just started one, and to set some more goals for the year. Yay YOU!!

    1. Thank you for inviting me. Sometimes that's what it takes to break me out of my rut or box. This was as much of an adventure to write, as it will be to do these exercises more! And I look forward to the updates!

  8. I try to create a bucket list for each season. Winter is especially important for me to focus on the fun as we do have the snow, ice, freezing cold temps and I start to feel like we're all climbing the walls. Love that biking photo!

  9. Your momma has a bucket list she’s been working on for years. I’ve learned just how fleeting life is and I have competed many of my bucket list items, but I still have a few major and minor to reach for. One is Italy 🇮🇹 and I think a more obtainable one at the moment may be a stay in a tiny house. 😍

    1. Yes you have and I love it! And I want to go to Italy tooooooo!


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