Thursday, December 5, 2019

Seamless Print Styling: Camo, Snakeskin, Stripes & Leopard

Ponce City Market

Hello! While on an Alaskan adventure of a lifetime with my sister, I had the opportunity to meet Nicole at High Latitude Style! After meeting the unassuming, stylish and sweet Nicole, I've continued to follow along with her blog, appreciating her insightful tips in fashion. I wish we could meet in Alaska again, but for today I'll content myself with the privilege to cohost her weekly link up, Top of the World Style!

Nicole does not fit in a fashion box, boldly mixing prints and colors even before it became trendy to do so! For that reason, I thought I'd feature as many print mixes in my outfit as possible! I hope you will join us in linking up! :)
Camo, Stripes, Leopard, Snakeskin & Stripes!
Save for those snakeskin boots and the camo jacket, all items are shopped from my closet. As for the location, Kim, from Kim Hymes Photography, and I spent the morning playing at Ponce City Market in Downtown, Atlanta. If you visit the area put this place on your list! There's shops, restaurants, a bike trail, and MUCH more. I love the charming, vintage vibes throughout the renovated Sears, Roebuck & Company building.
Ponce City Market
You will see more pictures from here next week. Until then, let's zero back in on the outfit. Because I stayed with neutral colors, I believe the prints mixed seamlessly. Navy goes so well with greens and what doesn't go with jeans nowadays? The snakeskin boots are a subtle stone and grey blend, which paired well with the scarf. Easy peasy. As for that leopard print, you'll have to look close - it's on the earrings!
Goofing off in the parking garage!

And I would be remiss if I didn't share the beautiful Kim.  She's creative, fun, talented and her new camera lens is amazing! Georgia friends, look her up! We had such a fun day!


  1. Chrissy I love this outfit - you are right, seamless print mixing for sure! Everything just works so well together! Can't wait to see the rest of your photos!

    1. Thank you so much sweet Kellyann! This was a fun day for sure. :)

  2. Your patterns work so well together. Looks like a neat place to visit.

    1. It is a fun place! Do you live in N or S Carolina? Or do you live in Georgia? If you live in Georgia, make a point to drop in for sure!

  3. Print mixing perfection! I love this chic outfit on you! And Ponce Market sounds like a fun place to spend the day!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. You're the sweetest Jill. Thank you so much. Isn't it crazy how many fashion boundary lines we cross today and love??

  4. What a fun look! Nice job!

  5. Still cant get enough of that jacket!!!

    1. It was a great find. did I tell you it was only $11!!

  6. That jacket is so cool! Great styling. Thanks for co-hosting the Top of the World Style linkup party.

  7. I LOVE those snakeskin boots they look so wonderful on you! Thanks for sharing these looks with us! You are truly beautiful.
    Laura xo

  8. Such an amazing outfit. You look stunning. Thank you so much for inspiration.

    New Post -

  9. What a fun mix of prints, and I really like that scarf on you too! thanks for cohosting the link up :)

    Hope that you had a great weekend :) It was a hot one here, summer has definitely arrived!

    Away From Blue | Handbag Gift Guide

  10. I love your snakeskin boots, they are so fashionable but also look comfy! Wishing you a great week!

    Love, Layla Rosita |

  11. You met Nicole?? When?? Fantastic. And you look fabulous. Amazing boots.

  12. How wonderful you got to meet up with Nicole, Chrissy!! I just love this combination of prints. And to think you weren't wearing your snakeskin booties at first. How perfect is this??

  13. Chrissy! This is a brilliant and completely seamless mix of prints! I love it! And that picture of you in front of the car mural is just too darn adorable! I need to make my way South for some fun with you!


  14. This is such a cute look. I absolutely love your boots. I have a pair of animal print ankle boots myself and wear them all the time. :)

  15. Oh loving the pattern mixing with the snakeskin and the camu very cool!

    Allie of

  16. I need to wear my camo jacket again. I've only worn it once. Love the way you style it, Chrissy! XO

  17. Love your olive utility jacket and those boots are fabulous! YOu look wonderful! My brother and sis in law went on an Alaskan cruise and had the time of their lives. Nice you met Nicole, she seems like a sweet lady!
    thanks for linking!
    Happy Holidays
    jess xx

  18. Oh, Chrissy and Kim, these photos are gorgeous. Of course, how could Kim go wrong with a model like YOU!! But the backdrops are beautiful, your complexion is glowing, and your style is spot on. Great post.

  19. Oh my goodness! I completely missed this post! Love the look and so cool you got to meet Nicole!


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