Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Cotton Boyfriend Overalls: A "Lucky" Find

The overall hunt is over. Admittedly, I only tried on a few pairs with no success before adding this pair to an online shopping cart. At $40 these overalls were more than I wanted to spend, but I wasn't worried. Chances were, I wouldn't like them anyway and I needed enough items for free shipping. Afterall, I was shopping online for THE summer dress. Allow me to explain...
During last week's 50% off anything in the Lucky Brand store, I tried on dresses in hopes to find one for a photoshoot in a wildflower field! I liked most of what I tried on, but there was one that stood out amongst the rest.  I sashayed in their three way mirror, relishing the light cotton material while taking in the floral print on a bright white background.  This was it! And then I looked at the price - $65 WITH the discount. Too much.

Long story short I found it online for $32, in my size, but I didn't want to pay shipping. In comes these overalls! lol. I think I'm keeping them both. ;) It's not lost on me that I spent $8 more on the overalls, but I know that I'll wear them on a weekly basis!

Sadly, the dress did not come in time for photoshoot, but I made due. ;)  Look for a sneak peek photo at the end of this post.

In the meantime, let's get on with the photos taken by my favorite cuties...

Overall Review 
There was no time wasting once these arrived. I slipped those shorts over my hips and hooked my bib up real good (insert southern twang). Oh, Chrissy! You're going to want to keep these.  They fit perfectly around the waist, were long enough for my personal tastes and they felt so soft!  I especially liked the lighter color for summer, as well as the mild distressing on the leg cuffs, bib and waistline. When I wore them again and I remained comfortable all day with only a few strap adjustments. I'm embracing this comfortable trend!!

As for the rest of the outfit, it is all from last year. Had to shop my closet, you know? ;0)
And here's the outfit I wore the morning the overalls arrived.

Also, notice the extra frizz going on in the picture above...Well, I was nabbed by a flat iron kiosk and ended up with a head full of curls. No, I didn't purchase the $169 flat iron but I'd take it for $30 - maybe even $40. Ha!
Have you tried some "shortalls" yet? What do you think about this trend? I'm hoping it sticks around for awhile!

I hope you're having a great week my friends!


P.S. Here's that sneak peek photo taken by Sammi...



  1. I am so excited about your photo shoot!!! Amazing and so YOU!!! Your overalls are super cute and so practical but fun! The kimono is so pretty - I love the colors. Okay, that head of curls is pretty amazing. Gosh I would have wanted that flat iron if my hair looked that good! But of course I'd never be able to reproduce the look and then I'd have buyer's remorse.

    1. Kellyann, you say the sweetest things. Thank you so much. And yeah, there's no way I'd be able to get the curls like he did. At least not with lots of practice that I don't have time or patience for. I need to be able to have a trial or test drive - ha!

  2. First of all, I cannot even tell you how much I love these overalls! They are so cute, so you and such a great price! The find of the year my friend! And oh my goodness did Sammi ever do a good job, but of course she has the most beautiful model to work with! xo

    1. I have you to thank for me keeping them. You're such a sweet cheerleader!

  3. LOL, I love your shopping logic for these overalls! I would totally spend an extra $40 on something useful to avoid paying for shipping! I totally agree with Kellyann - if anyone is suited to a wildflower field photo shoot it's YOU! How fun!

    1. Haha! I know. I honestly didn't think they'd work, making it easier to justify it! And thank you for the sweet comments!

  4. I still haven't tried any overalls yet, but I'm learning never to say never. Because these are fabulous Chrissy,

  5. Those overalls are giving me all the back in the day's 80s feel!!!! Love it!

  6. The shortalls are just perfect for your style! I'm looking forward to seeing your photo shoot!

  7. Oh, I want some overalls, too, but pretty sure most folks would frown on this grandma wearing them. I loved mine in high school. A half a life time ago.

    What a beautiful photo Sammi took. Really so pretty. You are a natural in front of the camera, and that setting, that field of flowers, was a perfect place for a photo shoot.

  8. I've been debating overalls since they made a come back. Those are super cute on you! Love them styled with the kimono and such a cute print mix too!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  9. they are such cute overalls and I really like that kimono with them! You took great photos in the flower field, even if you weren't wearing the dress you wanted!

    Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp :) I just posted this week's linkup, I'd love you to join again! :)

    Hope that you had a great weekend :)

    Away From Blue


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