Monday, May 20, 2019

Time To Recharge...In My Floppy Hat

Hello my sweet friends! How do you recharge after an overloaded calendar week or month? Oftentimes we add far more than needed to our calendar, right? We struggle to say "no" to our kids, employers, church, etc or we don't want to say "no". We think, oh I can manage that. It's only once a month. And before we know it, we've lost any "white space".  Before we know it we're working on overdrive and forgetting about visions, goals etc. For me, the bottom line is if I don't plan out the month ahead of time, the calendar gets out of control.  
All that being said, there's seasons of life where all events fall around the same date. Enter the month of May. Why is March, March Madness?? Shouldn't May be "May Madness"? Anyway, there was a Sip and Mingle Influencer event, Women's Event at Church, Influencer Event at a new local restaurant and life in between. (Posts coming up on those!) Come Friday I wanted to do nothing more than stare at my wall, but my sweet husband suggested we ride out to the North Jetty at Casey Key.

We packed snacks, fishing gear, a couple beach chairs and drove 30 minutes to recharge-ville. I knew I would be participating in a HAT challenge on Instagram on Monday (yay, today!), so I grabbed my cute Aerie floppy hat and coverup to sneak in a few photos.

As soon as I took in the breathtaking scenery, I began to unwind. Mom and sons explored the jetty, snapped a few pics while hubby fished. Soon we left him to do his thing and then played on the beach. Ok, they played and I sat in a beach chair. Recharge time, remember? 

Sunscreen Side Bar

And I have to throw in a plug for this sunscreen by Coola. It smells amazing, it's organic and reef friendly. Did you know about sunscreen being harmful to the coral reefs? Well, I was curious after I received Coola's sunscreen at another blogging event last month. I noticed the "reef friendly" on the can and decided to look it up. What in the world? I knew that some brands have ingredients that are harmful for me, but I never considered effects beyond that.  Anyway, I spray sparingly, as it's $36 a can.

In addition to leaving work at home, I took a break from Instagram posting, read for leisure, as well as renewal by reading through the same passage of scripture over and over, and spent time with family and friends. So is it time for you to carve in a day to recharge, rejuvenate and rest? Is it time to get back to your calendar and plan out the next month? Add it to your priority list and let's leave a little space in the calendar when we can!

Oh, and I mustn't forget the beach! If you're ever down at the gulf, I highly recommend looking for The North Jetty at Casey Key. The gorgeous calm, blue-green waters will make you forget you're in Florida! Also,  there's plenty to keep the explorers occupied.




  1. I literally jumped up and down in my office chair here upstairs over this post and these beautiful pictures. The one of you with the sailboat in back is just so precious because I can totally picture you reflecting. I love your braids and I love the peaceful day this looks like it was for you all!

    1. Ah, you're so sweet. I sat as long as my bum would afford. I want to go back. Summer is calling, right?? Sending you big hugs my friend!

  2. Beautiful beach pictures, Chrissy, and I am so glad y'all had time to steal away and re-charge! I loved your comment about March Madness and May! I totally get that! We're out of school now, so hopefully things will start winding down for us and we'll enter our lazy days of summer. Happy Monday!

    1. Me too Laura. And I'm already dying for another day away at the beach. I'm so weak. ;)

  3. The scenery is so beautiful. I've never heard of Casey Key. Living there, it's so nice you get to go exploring. I remember May was always the craziest month with kids in school--so glad you all got to unwind. It's really nice your husband enjoys finishing, mine was never too crazy about going to the beach. I wanted to make that Sip & Mingle event, but my month has been more scheduled than usual.

    1. Thanks Kim. You gave me food for thought with the fishing comment. Sometimes it drives me crazy because he doesn't hang with us, but if he wasn't fishing he'd be bored! You made a great point!

  4. What a great time to get away and relax, Chrissy!!
    I added this sunscreen to my list. I'm trying to figure out some better ones for me and the environment.

    1. Let me know if you find any good deals on the sunscreen. You're great about that!

  5. Your photos are beautiful! What a perfect spot to relax and recharge! I love the Coola sunscreen too - it smells amazing!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Thank so much Jill. Can you tell I'm playing catch up on all my comments! How I miss some is beyond me. Anyway, what's your favorite coola scent?

  6. We recharge once a year by going to the beach and another vacations. And then every so often we go visit family at the lake or go hiking!

    1. You guys definitely stay active. I enjoy following along on some of your adventures on instagram!

  7. What a great idea and just what you needed on Friday - a day away in a beautiful surrounding! I cannot believe how gorgeous this spot is - it looks like someplace other than FL! Your floppy hat is perfect on you and how sweet are those braids? Marvelous!

  8. These photos are gorgeous!! How can you not relax and recharge in this beautiful surrounding? Love your LWD too!

    xx, Elise

  9. WOW! Just beautiful!! I love you in a floppy hat!

  10. This is a beautiful spot! It looks like the perfect spot to recharge! And you look amazing in your hat, too!

  11. What a beautiful spot in Florida! Thanks for sharing about Coola, I haven't tried them before!

    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

  12. What a beautiful spot to visit! I always find time at the beach so relaxing, it's the best way to unwind! Your hat and dress are such a cute outfit for it too :)

    Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp :) I just posted this week's linkup, I'd love you to join again! :)

    Hope you've been having a great weekend!

    Away From Blue

  13. Sounds like the perfect way to unwind! We need days like this and the beach is a perfect place to do it!

    Virginia | More to Mrs. E


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