Friday, December 14, 2018

The Striped Tunic, My Usual Felt Hat & New Tradition

That's me thinking. I'm doing a lot of thinking lately. The goal planner that I've mentioned repeatedly since November, has prompted introspection and life evaluation. In turn, I'm seeing several areas that, like a neglected flower bed, needs major tending. But rather than feel doses of self-incrimination and shame, I feel excited to try things differently; maybe even feel a modicum of freedom to dance in who I am. Have you taken some time out to assess how those major life areas such as: health, family, work, rest, finances, etc?  If you haven't, it's worth the time investment because it can help you regroup and maybe even take steps towards a new plan! 
That being said, I'm focusing quite a bit of time on how I can love my family well, starting with Christmas surprises and new traditions. As I stated in the previous post, this year I added the Twelve Days of Christmas for the boys. Counting down to the days of Christmas, they wake up and find a small gift, enclosed in a paper lunch sack, waiting for them under the tree. Two days are behind us and they love it. The gifts are nothing more than Pez dispensers, their favorite snacks and trinkets I think they'll enjoy, but even the older ones seem to anticipate what's next.

My objective for this year is to promote family unity (there may be an outing or two included on the agenda) and help them be excited about being in a new place. We won't be dropping in on the same families as we did in Georgia each year. Therefore, I felt a shakeup was in order. We shall see how it goes! This is no small feat for I am challenged when it comes to planning anything! (Pics from day one below)

The Outfit

All this extra time on gift planning, takes from my blog time, but I'm here my friends and excited to share my heart and my love for fashion; though simple it may be!! Today's outfit is all about casual fun with my favorite added accessory flair - the hat! It all began with this adorable, comfortable tunic top from Five Girls Fashion. Have you hopped over there to see the latest releases? This is my fourth item from the shop and I continue to be happy with the quality of the clothes. Remember the window pane plaid jacket? I lost count on how many times I've worn that. 

This top was actually from the fall grab bags offered on the site around Thanksgiving. I'm a sucker for deals and surprises, so before I knew it my transaction was complete and this top, as well as another arrived at my doorstep.
Five Girls Fashion DISCOUNT CODE for my readers: GRANOLAANDGRACE20

As for the rest of this outfit, I grabbed my trusty Judy Blue jeans, the most comfortable leather boots by Pikolinos (a gift from my MIL) and a few added touches with the hat, scarf and jewelry. We must have those accessories to make the outfit our own!  
The Hat

The Shoes

Pictures From My First Day of 12 Days of Christmas

Ok my friends, what's new with you? Are you rushing around crazy to get things done, or are you all finished? Are you thinking about goals for next year or waiting for after Christmas? Have you added new traditions this year? If so, what are they? So many questions I mind is full these days!

Be sure to check out Five Girls Fashion, shipping is always free an with 20% off, I'd say it's worth the look. Please note, Chrystal occasionally sends me an item to review, which I disclose and there are no commissions made from using my code. However some links, unrelated to Five Girls Fashion, pay me a few cents on the click. Thank you for your support of Granola & Grace. 

Biggest of cyber hugs to you!



  1. I love your new tradition! You are so adorable in this outfit too and 5 Girls Fashion looks awesome. I must peruse the website!

    1. Thank you Kellyann! And she does have cute options on there. Now that I've tried a few pieces and figured out my fit, I may be in for some trouble. lol

  2. Chrissy, I adore that tunic. It's just right up my alley. You do hats like a boss, girl. Have the best weekend!! XO

    1. Thank you Lisa! This hair of mine needs a few hats!

  3. I am so proud of you! This tradition will live in their hearts forever! I got my mama a felt hat almost just like that, love the color! These pics of you truly are spectacular!!

    1. Thank you Andrea! These boys are having and though I'm a little tired, I'm having fun too. And your momma is going to love that hat!

  4. I love your new tradition. And that tunic. Love it so much.

  5. Your 12 days of Christmas tradition is so fun! This is such a chic outfit! You look so cute in a hat!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Thank you for the kind words, as well as the visit! :)

  6. Chrissy, this outfit is perfection! And those boots are simply fantastic. I am loving your 12 days of Christmas idea and will have to keep that in mind for next year. This year, we have been doing our own twist on the Elf on a Shelf craze...except we have a very Naughty Rudolph who gets into trouble every night. The children look forward to his shenanigans and we all get a good laugh. He has done things like sucked up all the small plush toys into the vacuum cleaner, roasted the S’mores ornaments over a lego fire pit, pooped Hershey kisses on the kids’ homework, made snowflake cut outs from the toilet paper, toilet papered the Christmas tree, and turned the gallon of milk green among other things. I wish you the happiest of holidays, my friend, filled with the blessings of creating new traditions in your new home!


    1. Shelbee, that is so, so funny. I can see you having fun with that Naughty Rudolph! As for the 12 days...I'm documenting for sure and learning ways I would do it differently AND sharing those ways. If you could have seen us last night trolling through the store Five Below you would have got a good laugh! I wish you a sweet, memory creating and savoring Christmas as well my friend!

  7. I just love the striped tunic! It looks perfect with the hat! We don't do the Elf on the Shelf as it's just one more thing to have to do at this point :) I know, not a cool mom but hey I know that that little guy would end up in the same spot everyday.

  8. What a healthy way of looking at self examination and change.
    I absolutely love this look, your hat really tops off the look. So gorgeous, always!

    xx, Elise

  9. Loving your new tradition dear. This is amazing. Also, chic and cozy casual look you have here. Great combo with hat and boots.
    Jessica |

  10. Love this casual styling babe!

  11. You look stunning with a hat. Thanks for sharing. Have great holidays and a happy New Year.


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