Monday, July 9, 2018

Cool, Casual and Comfortable In Joggers

Hello! Today I'm featuring a relaxed, comfy style that I shopped from my closet, a few cupcake moments and details for a trucker hat giveaway!

Before I get started, let me just say that the days are beginning to converge together! Selling one house, while buying another, all the while packing up life is no joke! We celebrated 4th of July by cleaning out the storage building, attic and a head start on the garage. UGH! That was overwhelming at times, but thankfully we continue to make progress out there.

There's only a week and a day until our scheduled closing on this house so we are at full throttle around here.

However, on Sunday we decided to take a break from packing and all things moving and rest!

It felt so good to put aside the packing monotony and feel "normal" for the day. It felt so good to wear decent clothes!  Just the same, I didn't want to think too hard about what to wear, so I chose these joggers for my outfit because of how cool and comfortable they are. The navy top was an easy match and from there I went to the age, old classic of pearls. I prefer shoes with height when I wear these pants, so I grabbed my neutral wedges and then topped off the outfit with a hat - pun intended!

As for the purse, it is on constant repeat because it goes with everything and has become my favorite summer accessory. :) Btw, American Eagle just came out with another option that I like more! If it goes on sale...wink, wink. Click HERE to check it out.

Outfit Breakdown:
Hat: Banana Republic (old)
Top: GAP (old)
Joggers: LOFT (old)
Shoes: Famous footwear
Purse: American Eagle (Latest Option)
Necklace and Bracelet: Premier Designs (NecklaceBracelet)
Linking up with these fabulous bloggers...found HERE

Cupcake Adventures!

With our departure date looming, I've been dropping in at Splat everyday. Last week I realized that I only had 17 days left, so that began the countdown.  For the most part, my schedule and mood determine what happens with those free cupcakes.

I may hand one out to an older gentleman in the parking lot of Aldi because he insisted I go in front of him at the register...

Yes, I was too chicken to ask for a a drive by shot is what I left with. 
I may stay a visit awhile, especially if I see friends there...

My packing helpers may strongly suggest we take a packing break and head to Splat...

I may meet a friend, savoring face to face conversation before it becomes a rare occurrence.

I love them all, but the most adventurous ones continue to be the deliveries...

Happy Birthday Anson!

Well, today it's back to the packing game so I'll close with cyber hugs and see you back here soon! ;)

Oh! And there is a trucker hat giveaway that went live on my Instagram last night. Hop on over and check it out...GIVEAWAY

Big Hugs!



  1. I cant even imagine all the stress it would be to do all the moving/selling/packing - all of it!
    I had no idea those were joggers. They are so cute!!!

    1. Thank you Rebecca Jo! I hope you're feeling better these days!! And the packing now feels like a way of life. lol. We continue to get rid of stuff we don't use and I'm sure we will end up getting rid of more once we get there! Sooo crazy. Who needs all this stuff?!

  2. I seriously just love all of your cupcake adventures. Those are the cutest joggers I have ever seen!! I just love them and they are so summery. Good luck with all of the moving. Our kitchen reno has been wearing me out and that is just one room, where you are dealing with an entire house! Lol!


    1. Thank you Carrie! I'm going to miss my Splat friends terribly...and the adventures that follow my bakery visits. As for the joggers, they were a LOFT clearance from a couple years ago...I love them as well! :) And I can't wait to see your kitchen...i bet it's going to be amazing!

  3. It'll be so sad when your cupcake adventure ends, Chrissy!! You'll have to find another store like it to take it's place. I bet you just make everyone's day when they get a cupcake!!
    And I can totally relate to the moving and packing---and we are only helping Nancy. But I was a tired pup this weekend....

    1. I know! I still can't believe it. I joke with the guys up at Splat about them finding a place in Sarasota...take our adventures on the road! Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope Nancy feels settled in now!

  4. Saying goodbye to Splat is making me sad! They are going to miss you and your precious family, the community will miss your sweet soul.
    Now that outfit - I love it! Yes, comfy and cool joggers are the way to go especially when you look so stylish! I love the hat and wedges too - I agree, joggers need a heel!
    Hang in there friend, this all seems to be going so seamlessly, you know He is directing it all!

    1. I know I will sure miss them and the adventures that follow my bakery visits. Thank you for your sweet words and encouragement. This crazy - packing-sorting-trips-to-Goodwill- feels like my new life now. It's all encompassing. lol. I don't want to rush it though because that brings goodbyes that much closer! Big hugs Kellyann!

  5. It's so lovely to read your cup cakes adventures, so funny. Good luck with packing! And I love the joggers with those shoes!

    1. Thanks Nancy! Someone tell me how we've acquired so much! No matter how much we get rid of and pack, there's still more. lol!

  6. Ahhh cupcake adventures to treasure. I think it could’ve been a reality show full of sweetness. Talk about sweet, those joggers make me smile. And so does your heart! Loves you!

    1. Exactly, only a few more adventures left to be had for now. And I had to smile at the thought of a reality show. My instagram stories are sort of like that. haha. Sending you big hugs Andrea! :)

  7. I love this relaxed look! These joggers are what dreams are made of, so pretty!

    xx, Elise

    1. Thank you Elise! I wish I had a pair in every color. My blog would be all about joggers. I'd have maybe one follower. lol. Anyway, I hope you're doing well!!

  8. I'm so excited for you all and your new lives... Here's hoping everything settles down quickly.

    Adore your relaxed look. My sister bought me a pair of joggers and I live in them. So comfy.

    1. Thank you! I think we are starting to settle. In fact, yesterday it felt real. Shed a few tears but I know that we are where we are supposed to be and I'm looking forward to all that God has in store for us here in Sarasota.

  9. Love this relaxed look! Those joggers are so cute! Good luck with your move!

    Doused in Pink

  10. This is a busy time for you. I can't believe that buying a home and selling a home are going pretty seamless it sounds like. I love those pants and how cute the details are!

  11. Congrats on selling and buying a new home. Your jogger are super cute.


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