Monday, May 21, 2018

Boho Casual & The Jack of All Trades in Style & Beauty

Hi! Have I ever told you how hair-challenged I am? Well, the struggle to get the right curl effect going on, or the right blo dry look is REAL. Though I'm continuing to improve, I ardently look forward to my haircut and/or color appointments! Of course I love the fun conversations that always happen in the chair, but leaving with a great style is what I came for, right?? Well, this time I had the opportunity to check out a new salon with some extra styling perks...!

Meet Mark Lares from Mark Lares Good Style in Atlanta! He has his own quaint salon; a hidden gem amongst several other business owners - I met a couple of them during my visit and was impressed with the sweet community they shared. There was a friendly boutique shop owner, an esthetician and a beautiful nail salon that I would have loved to hang out in for a spell. 

I personally met Mark during my Premier Design's jewelry days at a leadership training. He has a spunky personality that draws you in and GREAT style,  so when he reached out to me for a day at his salon, I didn't hesitate to say yes. There is a confidence about Mark that assuaged any fears about entrusting my "crown" of glory, albeit far less glory than pre-pregnancy days, but I'm sure I don't have to expound on the fact that hair can make you or break you, right?? 

Yes! I brought him a cupcake from Splat Cakes. I had to! Wink, wink. After making a few funny Instastories, which Mark played right along with, I spotted his shelf of products. 

"Mark, that's you on those products!"

He laughed and explained that he is big on supporting companies that are based out of the USA. 

He proudly informed me about the great quality and his absolute favorite product being the "Everyday Miracle Treatment". I'm still kicking myself for not picking that up while I was there. He applied that to my hair and it made it feel silky (a rarity for me).

After a few minutes, we started discussing color. Do I stay the same or do I be adventurous and try something a little different?  Well, you may have noticed in my opening picture that I went for a little different, but please allow me to share my before pics so you can appreciate the after pics better. 

I give you...



Mark mixed up colors and the foil-fun began, as well as the light hearted conversation. I learned that Mark likes to run, went to beauty school in Orlando Florida, has a knack for applying makeup (next time I'm bringing all my makeup!!) and has been a "hair dresser" since 2002. Not only that, hair skills seem to run in the family as his great grandfather integrated from Italy and was a barber with quite the reputation. People recognized his haircuts! Also, his grandmother was what was then known as a "Hair Operator".  Some things are just in the blood, right?? 

Time passed quickly and before we knew it was time for me to throw on one of the outfits I brought and play in Mark's Jewelry. The day wasn't even over and I was quickly learning that Mark is a Jack of all trades in style & beauty!

By the way, I love the shades of pink and rose gold that he highlighted my hair with!

Outfit & Jewelry Play Time!

I already knew that Mark had an eye for accessorizing so I let him pick the jewelry and we went outside to take pictures because there's no sense in wasting a good hair style!! 

Without further ado, I present more of my hair color, as well as some of the pieces of jewelry that I want to add to my collection!


We started out with a delicate gold chain, TWO necklaces used as bracelets and a gorgeous wrap bracelet that currently resides in my closet. LOVE it!

Also note how the "BEACHES" bracelet can be flipped for a different look in the pics below...

Necklace on first Wrist : BEACHES, Wrap Bracetlet: SHELBY  Necklace on 2nd Wrist: CASHMERE

Turquoise Paradise

Earrings: PALM BEACH

We changed out the earrings to these gorgeous tassel earrings and moved "Beaches" from the wrist to its' original design plan - the neck. Then we took one of Mark's top selling necklaces, Willow, and fashioned it into a bracelet. I have this necklace and will be duplicating this idea!! 

Necklace, Headband, Choker, Or ANKLET??

Stylist is a great summer piece. We had fun styling it 3 out of the four ways. I also own this piece and feel inspired to use it again!

Necklace: WILLOW

 Necklace/Headband: STYLIST

Outfit Breakdown:
Navaho Cardigan: Boutique Find 
Local Favorite TEE: BEATS & BREATH 
To see the fabulous bloggers I link up with, click HERE

So there you have it. "Mark Lares Good Style" has a whole lot to offer! If you're local, and looking for a fabulous hair stylist, look Mark up HERE

Here's a link to his jewelry page:

Here's a link to his website where you can browse his hair products, clothing, some jewelry and MORE!  Yes! You can find "Everyday Miracle" there. ;) 

Are you changing up your color for the summer??

Much love,




  1. Boho Babe a Tolla! And your locks are looking fabulous! You ooze sunshine girl! Hope your Monday is Marvelous!

    1. Thank you Andrea! I hope you and Mr. Nine are already enjoying Chicago while your youngin's party at home. hehe. :)

  2. Love this article and the hair. A flair indeed, as everything styled well together!!❤️❤️

  3. Love the hair color!! 😍😍 I think I could pull those colors off. Also that necklace "willow" is so cute as a bracelet!

    1. Awww, thank you - and I know you could pull these colors off! :) And I can't remember, did you get "willow"?

  4. I love your outfit - those bracelets are gorgeous!
    Lee | LegalLee Blonde

    1. Thank you! I own a couple of them, but feel the need to add some new ones now! ;)

  5. What a fun day!!! I love your hair and that Mark is talented and super cute. I love that he is a stylist and sells jewelry, I'll bet he is a favorite among the ladies! You are just simply the most adorable boho babe my friend, that is most definitely a style you own. I also believe your tee is very fitting as I think in your community you are a local favorite - you are putting everyone on the map and good things are coming your way my love!

    1. Oh, he is a favorite for sure! And thank you for your kind words! You are such an encourager Kellyann in more ways than one. I hope you're having a great weekend!

  6. Mark did fabulous with your hair!! What a great way to showcase your change---and the cupcake didn't hurt either, I bet!!!

    1. Thank you Jodie! And yes, I feel the cupcake helps take any edge off. lol

  7. Your hair looks very relaxed , great colour too!

  8. Oh look at your hair! I love the highlights and how colorful it is now!

    1. Thank you! It was of course a little dark at the start, but has toned down some now. I love it!

  9. Wow! What a great day you had! And what an amazing job Mark did on your hair! Why are male stylists always the best?! I don't mean to sound sexist but it's true! All the best ones I've had are always men! The highlights he put in are just fabulous! Bring out all the right tones in your skin and eyes. And it looks so soft and bouncy! The jewelry is just gorgeous, as well! I'm a huge bracelet person and those are lust-worthy, indeed...and using the necklaces as bracelets...I've done that myself and I love seeing others do that as well! Excellent, excellent day that I know you deserved every minute of Chrissy!

    1. I know! You're right. And thank you so much Ronnie! It's no surprise to me that you've thought to double up your necklace to make them bracelets. You're always doing something fun and creative. Looking forward to what you have up next!


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