Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Holiday Series: Christmas Outfit Inspiration

Hi there! Are you all ready for Christmas? As I type and breathe, I am not ready!! I feel a slight tightening in my chest; something akin to stress. Even now our lack of eggs, milk and fresh produce looms over me, reminding me that I need to close this computer and run to Aldi. Just a few more minutes! Anyone else feeling it? There's a few more gifts to pick up and ALL gifts need to be wrapped. GULP. Our boys are counting down as well, but for totally different reasons.

However, Christmas will come and when it does I will enjoy it whether or not all things were done perfectly or not. Amen! So I'm taking a deep breath and reminding myself what this season is all about while entertaining some fashion therapy in between. ;) And today we happen to have 15 bloggers to inspire you...

Today, I'm happy to continue the Holiday Series, featuring Christmas Day style.  (See the Wedding post from last week here.) Ada from Elegance and Mommyhood outdid herself by collaborating with 14 of us, so I hope you will check out each blogger. Once I'm done with Aldi, Christmas shopping and wrapping I will join you in reading! (hehe).

Until then, here's the rest of my outfit. ;)

Most of my outfit consists of gifts or after Christmas sales from last year, but I'm linking up other options for ya.

Nothing like a beautiful trash can in your backdrop.

The pearl necklace is a Premier piece that can be worn several different ways. This is definitely not the first time I've sported it here on the blog.

Supporting a Local Coffee Today ;)
Well, my friends are you all ready for Christmas?? What do you plan on wearing? Pajamas?? That's what I'll be wearing for the first half of my day, then I may add this outfit. It just depends on what I get that morning. ;)

Meanwhile, here's a picture snapped by a friend of mine that is helping me keep things in perspective this year. It brings tears to my eyes and I'm fully convicted about how much time I waste on the unimportant. This sweet woman repeatedly told me she loved me that day. No, she doesn't know me and is most likely suffering dementia, but I told her I love her back and returned her strong hugs again and again. I'm not a good person, but I know the ONE who is good. I pray that she felt His love that day in our short visit and I pray that I'm not too "busy" to take time for others.

"I love you, with all my heart. I love you."

Now, as I go wipe my eyes and blow my nose, be sure to check out the beauties below!

Much love,


Outfit Breakdown:

Patricia Nash Handbag: Macy's Option, Buffalo Plaid Vest: the Limited (Khol's Option)/Deer Sweater (Dillard's Option)/Distressed Black Denim (Moto Leigh)/Beanie: Target (Fun Embellished Option)/Boots: Altar'd State (Target Option)/Pear Necklace: (Premier Designs)

The Holiday Series: What to Wear for Christmas, the biggest Multi-Blogger Collaboration.
15 Fashion Bloggers talk about their Christmas Outfits + Traditions!

Ada: "Christmas is my favorite holiday - as if you didn't guess by how I decorate - so of course I had to wear an outfit that says Christmas. Fair isle and red buffalo plaid do that for me. The red gloves are a bonus. I had to be comfortable too for all the yummy food we will eat and since I will be spending Christmas at home this year with my immediate family, I chose a simple+casual look. Gëzuar Krishtlindjet!! That means «Merry Christmas» in Albanian."

Christine: "This romantic Victorian inspired outfit is perfect for a casual Chic Christmas. I absolutely love the delicate écru lace blouse and black velvet combination. It’s a chic alternative to any holiday dress outfit. Joyeux Noël! "

Whitney: "This year I'll be sharing double the love since I will be spending Christmas Day with my boyfriend's family as well as my own!  We will be hopping from family party to family party so I need something to wear that is festive, comfy (for all that eating) and practical for braving the Michigan elements. "

Kimberly: "On Christmas Eve I go out to dinner with my family I would wear this basic, classic outfit. As a coat I will be wearing this leopard coat. It's the warmest coat I have and it was a great buy. It's about 20 years old. On Christmas I go for a more casual look and like to be comfy."

Roxanne: "I am going to be away in Munich during Christmas, but here is a festive look that I will be posting on Glass of Glam soon! I am Jewish so I don't celebrate Christmas, but I like to partake in festive outfits and go to holiday parties! This red coat screams "holiday" to me!"

Kellyann: "I host Christmas Day at our house so not only do I want to be comfortable but I want to look good as well.  Since I have no idea what the weather will really be like that day - it could be 80 or it could be 50, welcome to Florida - I chose a lightweight sweater with fun sleeves and faux leather leggings."

Jennie: "Over the years I always dressed up for Christmas to make the event even more special, especially as there were multiple family events over the day. The past couple of years I have been drawn to more comfortable looks as I now host the family celebrations in my home. My cranberry polka dot vest and plaid scarf bring some festivity to my comfortable jeans and boots."

Shelbee: "I never was a fan of holiday-themed clothing at all, but this year I decided to go outside of my comfort zone for my Christmas outfit.  I chose this adorable black and green dress from Rosegal which features a festive winter scene on the skirt.  It is short sleeved so I layered a long sleeve back tee under it for extra warmth and my  silver velvet booties completely the look perfectly.  Happy Holidays to everyone!"

Kristin: "Our last two years in Germany we have had friends and family come visit us for Christmas. This year my husband and I will be enjoying the holiday by ourselves (along with our pup) so we will make a nice dinner at home and pop some champagne. That's why I'm keeping it casual with a bell sleeve sweater, jeans, and red heels. Happy Holidays, everyone!"

Michelle: "I love this layered look for picking a Christmas tree, Christmas caroling, walking around the neighborhood to see the Christmas lights or any other outdoor activity around the holidays. This look is casual but still festive thanks to my plaid vest, cozy hat and red lip! Finish it off with a hot cocoa to keep warm!"

Linda: "This has been my Christmas Day outfit for the last three years. A skirt I found at Winners ( TJMaxx equiv) over a decade ago but on that is timeless.  Sometimes I wear it with a black cashmere sweater or with a white lace sweater. I love the festive yet fun look of Santa and the skateboards.

Merry Christmas from my home to yours ( and from Lou too)."

Lizzie: "I love untraditional holiday looks and think this look would be perfect for Christmas Eve! I adore the velvet and sparkle with the unexpected color combo and print."

Lee: "This year we are spending Christmas at the beach.  I am packing light with comfortable clothing.  This outfit is perfect for any occasion.  I love leather front leggings and this faux fur coat paired together!"

Monica: "Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate!  Christmas is such a special time for me because growing up we had a lot of traditions in our household and some of those traditions I've taken with me in my own home with my fiance and fur babies.  I hope everyone has a great Christmas!"

Chrissy: "Christmas morning starts at home in our pjs, but we’ve been known to drop in on family and friends as the day wears on.” 

LINDA from A Labour of Life
 LEE from Wine and Couture
ADA from Elegance and Mommyhood
SHELBEE from Shelbee on the Edge



  1. Yours was one of the first outfits I saw and I loved it so much because we are sort of twinning duhhh. Looking great. Hope your day of errands isn't long, hard or boring and that you reward yourself to a cupcake and Starbucks at the end. Love the sweater and of course the vest which is like mine.

    I really outdid myself this time and putting it ALL together was a long time of hard work but hey tis the season!

    1. Haha! I know. I will take that as a compliment and say great minds think alike. ;) And thank you, I will be sure to get myself a cupcake and treat! You're the best, btw.

    2. Big hug. You will love reading tomorrow's post.

      Good night sweet friend!

  2. Chrissy, you are such a beautiful person in so many ways! And on top of that, you look adorable in your Christmas outfit! I am loving your sweater. It is so totally "you"! I wish you the happiest of holidays and the most blessed New Year, my friend. Looking forward to seeing all the fun New Year's outfits coming next!


    1. Thank you for your kind, sweet words Shelbee. I love this blogging adventure that I share with fabulous women, such as yourself!!

  3. Girlfriend, I am right there with you on being behind. I usually take this week off work to finalize things, but that wasn't an option this year. :(

    This was a fun collaboration in the series. I just love seeing all the many varied looks. Ours are similar, so of course I love this! Your deer sweater is so cute and I like that you added the pretty pearls.

    1. Thank you Jennie! I hope your Christmas was sweet and memorable. New year's eve is upon us - what now???

  4. Oh my sweet friend, your heart for Jesus is so big and yes, I believe He shines through you in all you do. Maybe that woman has dementia but I believe she was looking at you and seeing Him. You are a blessing to others and a good person that I am proud to know.
    All that other stuff will get done and it will be perfectly imperfect like the rest of us in the real world. And we'll lay our heads down at the end of the night and realize it's all about a baby that was born and nothing else!

    1. Thank you Kellyann! You continue to be an encouragement, as well as an inspiration on this blog venture that I'm on. Thank you for adding depth to what could be a shallow "world"!

  5. You look stunning. A perfect outfit for Alaska. I hope you can come this summer. Thanks for linking up to the Top of the World Style linkup party. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

    1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well Nicole! And thank you. :J) I hope I get to visit Alaska again - I don't even want to wait til summer!! :)


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