Monday, September 11, 2017

Jumpsuit Transitions to Fall

Hello my reader friends! As you can see it's windy in the lovely state of Georgia. For some these last few weeks have been a nightmare that I'm sure they've not woken up from. Texas and Florida, we're thinking of you and praying for you. In addition, I glanced at my calendar and noticed that it's 9/11. Perhaps it's fitting that skies are grey, rain pours down at a steady pace and the atmosphere at home is quiet and subdued.

It's hard to write about outfit posts with all that's transpiring around us. However, we still need to get dressed, don't we? And what could be better for days like this, then the most comfortable article of clothing I own? This jumpsuit will transition to fall so easily. When you are a 2 for 1 deal, there's little thought involved in styling. Pick your shoes, decide on your jewelry and grab an extra layer for whatever chill awaits.

And that's what I did. These boots are old and I've been trying to replace them for two years, with little success. It's not that there are not good choices. I'm just waiting for the right choice at the right price. With a gift card to DSW waiting in my wallet, I anticipate a finding the perfect pair!

Until then, I'll divert my attention with my latest in jewelry accessories. I absolutely love the edgy feel with this hematite jewelry. The delicate strand could also be a simple accessory to a dressy night out, wearing it in the front or the back.

I'm not sure why, but I've enjoyed throwing one bangle with a wider stretch or wrap bracelet. If the bangles fit further up on my forearms; even better.

Well that it's my friends. I feel about as motivated as a slug today. Are you sensing my lackadaisical attitude in today's post?  Perhaps I should call it quits and just read a book!

Outfit Breakdown:
Jacket: Michael Kors (Gift)/Jumpsuit: GAP (clearance find)/Ankle Boots: Target (OLD)/ Hematite Jewelry: Premier Designs (Dressed to Thrill Necklace, Afterglow Collar Necklace, Wrap "Must Have" Bracelet, Stretch "Edgy" Bracelet)

By the way, I was inspired by friend Andrea, on the left, to get this jumpsuit back out of the closet. Doesn't she look adorable in her jumpsuit?? And I can't leave out the cutie in the middle, Amy, who would kill me for adding this. ;) Pics were taken at our women's event last week.

One more. Look at these two twinning... Andrea and Lindsey.

Oh, ok. Last one...the talented musicians I was blessed to work with...

Pamela, Rebekah, Brennan & Daniel
Now, I'll will close with this week's cupcake choice. ;)

Strawberry Chocolate Vegan

Much love!



  1. I'm jumpin' for joy over this jumpsuit! Super cute and with the bangles and on CUTE-n-SEXY!! Hope your weather didn't get too bad, so much destruction, makes me sad. But you and your cuteness, sweetness and cupcake, makes me smile!

    1. Andrea, you truly are the sweetest. You make ladies feel beautiful, while making them feel like they matter! Thank you! :)

  2. It is no secret that I love all jumpsuits and this one is amazing. Love how you styled it for Fall. Your boots and jewelry are gorgeous!

    xx, Elise

    1. Thank you Elise! Love it when you stop by the blog. Hope you're doing well!

  3. That is such a cute jumpsuit! I bought one at the nordie sale and my sister and mom LOVED it and my hubby said, i looked ridiculous so I returned it...wahhh!! I should have kept it!

    1. Oh man! I've been there before. What's funny is this jumpsuit is not my hubby's fave either. He calls it my sleeper. Haha!

  4. You are just precious in everything and who looks that good when the wind is blowing? You, my gorgeous friend!
    It does seem hard to think about outfit posts when so much destruction is happening and people are suffering but we all need a respite from the sadness and more than that we need to LIVE! There will always be sadness but we have to embrace the joy in life too.

    1. Thank you for that great reminder, as well as the kind words. We do need to LIVE! Our time is so short! Thank you, thank you beautiful Kellyann. :)

  5. I think I need to add a jumpsuit to my wardrobe! It looks so cute on you!

  6. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. How did you do that? I mean your hair standing up high in the photo? This looks so cool!

  7. This jumpsuit looks so comfy! I'm obsessed


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