Monday, August 7, 2017

Question Time: Summer Edition With TBB

Hello! Though our Monday in Georgia is overcast and dreary, I'm pushing away the gloom with this sunshine-filled post!  The Blended Blog is keeping our summer feeling alive by doing this fun "TBB ASKS" series and I'm thrilled to be join in. However, before I begin the question series, I wanted to post a few shots in yet another way I've style this jumpsuit from the GAP. I can't help but wear it over and over again, as it's incredibly comfortable and can be dressed up or down. WIN!

This time I wore this get up to a lunch with friends and then later to our teens Open House for school. By the end of the evening my feet were crying! These wedges aren't meant to go the distance, but after a few compliments I felt strengthened to carry on. ;) Alright! Enough about that, let's move onto question...

Outfit Breakdown:
Top: Cast Off (Chicos)/Jumpsuit: GAP/Shoes: WHBM warehouse sale! ($6.00)/Jewelry: Granola & Grace PD Gems

The questions...

1. Pool, lake or Ocean? Pool comes in first, but then comes the ocean. I love watching my boys explore and hunt for wildlife. If only I could get over my shark fears, the ocean would win out, but I've watched one too many episodes of Shark Week!

2. Camping, Cottage or Hotel? Oh my goodness, send me to a quaint cottage in a small town. How about a cottage in England or Tuscany where I can wake up to a delicious breakfast and then stroll the cobblestone streets, with breathtaking views all the day long.

3. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Talenti, Chocolate Sea Salt or sorbet. I think I need some now.

4. Pj's, Nightgown, T-Shirt/Shorts or Birthday Suit? Give me comfy pjs please.

5. Fave Summer Beverage? Iced Coffee, Pink Drinks from Starbucks and Kombucha!

6. Would you rather be hot or cold? I'm conflicted here. I'd rather be hot, but when I'm cold I love to bundle up.

7. Sandals with heels or flats? Flats. Too many places that require walking around here. I wear these neutral flats several days out of the week!

8. Shorts or skirts? Shorts, sometimes, but mostly pants. Veiny, veiny legs. It is what it is!

9. Sit in the sun or in the shade? In the shade with a cool breeze and a book please.

10. Water, Tea or Soda? Water. I need to be drinking more of it!

11. Favorite Summer Fruit and Veggie? Hmmm.  I like a lot of fruits. I'll go with blueberries and Watermelon for my fruit and squash and zucchini for my veggies.

12. Sunrise or Sunset? Oh goodness, Both! Though I seem to catch the sunsets most.

13. Bike Ride or Walk? Depends? Hilly? Walking. Flat Florida landscapes? I'll take a bike please!

14. Winery or Brewery? My closest beverage to wine or beer is Kombucha, but if I had to choose between the two it would be a Tuscany.

15. Garden or no Garden? No garden. Unless it came with a gardener.

16. Big summer concert or music in the park? Music in the park please! And can I be one of the singers? ;)

17. Fave cookout food? Grilled Salmon

18. Dine indoors or patio? Patio is what I'd like. Indoor is what I do. Just too many bugs here in GA!

19. Fave summer destination...most Florida beaches

20. Big Theme Park or Local Carnival...Big Park. Give me superman at Six Flags!

21. Drinks blended or on the rocks? Do green smoothies count here? ;)

22. Popsicle or freezie flavor of choice...any gourmet ice pop please!

23. Hot dog or hamburger...hamburger wrapped in lettuce and topped with tomato, avocado, purple onion and cheese!

Now how fun was that? I can't wait to read the others and hear comments from you!




  1. Woohoo! Over the moon you joined us, LOVE the pictures! Can you be any cuter? I think not! So much gorgeousness and fun going on here!! Pink drinks, green smoothies, burgers sans kind of girl! Let's hang out by the pool! ;-)

  2. Oh yay! I made it on time! This fun post link up inspires me to make a few more memories with my littles, who have not returned to school yet. :) Thank you for all the sweet compliments. :)

  3. LOL, I totally wanted to write a garden only if it came with a gardener, lol! That starfish is gorgeous! I can't even believe you found that on the beach! So cool! Thanks for linking up!

    1. Great minds think alike! :) My oldest son dug up that star fish. I was so thrilled to be able to capture that moment.


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