Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Black, White & A New Statement Piece

Ok my friends.  Though my birthday has come and gone, I continue to celebrate it for as long as I can this month! So you may see a new item pop up here and there on the blog. Or you may here me mention this milestone birthday a time or two. Please bear with me as I make this transition! ;)

Today's post is real. Colorless, tired reality. We were rushing out the door to meet a couple of friends at Costco of all places. A small group picnic was coming up and we needed the easiest entree one could find...hotdogs, and a lot of them.

The day before my newly earned jewelry came in and I couldn't wait to wear it, so I reached for the easiest back drop - a solid black top. With no time to spend on outfit creativity (or make up application!!!!!), I grabbed white pants and neutral accessories. Done.

I didn't even worry about earrings, as I felt like the necklace was statement enough.

Everything else I'm wearing, I've had since the spring or last season.

Outfit Breakdown:
Top: Irma (LulaRoe by Shannon)/ White Denim (Entourage)/Shoes: Clothes Mentor Find/Purse: Vince Camuto (Christmas Gift)/Necklace & Bracelet (Premier Designs)

With hotdogs and condiments purchased I said goodbye to my friends (asked them if they wanted to borrow my boys for a bit - hehe) and started for my car. Before we could get to said vehicle, my sneaky friend stopped me with an early birthday present...

I loved that it was a brown paper package, tied up with string! ;)

Surprises truly are my favorite - I love it!

So do they!! ;)

And there was my first birthday card that came in the mail to help make my special day an anticipated reality. I have so very much to be thankful for and one of those things I'm thankful for, is this blogging adventure! Truly, I look forward to corresponding with you each week!

Have a fabulous week my reader friends.



  1. You are soooo classy and sassy! Always adore black-and-white! What a sweet package received in the mail; that is just the cutest purse and you are going to look so stylish carrying that this Fall.

    1. Thank you my sweet friend! You sprinkle kindness everywhere you go!

  2. Chrissy you cute thing you, celebrate that birthday all year and then some! You are certainly the epitome of Fabulous at 40. Your outfit is perfect and you chose the perfect top to showcase that gorgeous necklace. Gifts are so fun, right? That purse is super cute, what a sweet friend. Enjoy your year and celebrate the fact that you don't need make up to look FABULOUS!!!!

    1. Kellyann that is the sweetest comment. Thank you so much. How blessed am I to have met such beautiful, inside and out, women in the blogger world!!

  3. You can never go wrong with black and white! It's such a classic combination! I love your new jewelry! It's my birthday month too and I keep trying not to buy myself presents but things keep jumping into my cart! Haha! ;)

    1. Oh fun! Happy birthday to you!! :) And thank you!

  4. Replies
    1. So wonderfully easy to style. Why did it take me so long to take advantage??

  5. Oh wow! LOVE this look! So classic and stylish! LOVE your new bag too, and your boys are the cutest!

  6. Cute and classic look. Any clean neutral look is a winner in my book! (And I love that necklace too!)

    Thanks for joining the Thursday Moda link up!


    1. Thank you Mary. So glad to have "met" you this week. ;)

  7. Your new statement necklace looks perfect with this white and black look! Such a classic look that will never go out of style. The brown paper package tied up with string just made me Smile. :)

    1. Thank you Jennie - for your sweet comments, as well as your appreciation for my sense of humor. :)


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