Wednesday, June 28, 2017

White, Denim & Easy Vans

Outfit Breakdown:
Ruffle Tank: LOFT (old)/Denim: GAP (old)/VANS: Similar/Shades (Wal-Mart - $5)/Jewelry: Premier
Linking up with High Latitude StyleClassy Yet TrendyShelbee On The EdgeNot Dressed As LambThe Thursday ModaLiving On Cloud NineA Pocketful of Polkadots

Hey! Look at me just chilling in my casual vibes. The week is blowing by with crazy mornings, but as you can see I'm still finding a way to visit Splat cakes.  Gotta run to the grocery store? Ok, but I'll swing by Splat first. One of my boys wants a ride to friends? Ok, but I'll swing by Splat after! I just work it in, because iced coffee takes some crazy out of the day - oh, and a free cupcake awaits me!

The Vacation Bible Camp Adventures continue and my brain is just about done! However, I must admit that I'm enjoying this week of drama and flare.

A person cannot miss the electrifying energy bouncing off the walls during our VBC week! I love how excited the boys and girls are, hugging you or high giving you as you pass them in the aisles or halls. The energy seems to spill over to us adults as well and we respond with silliness, laughing till our sides hurt; making new memories and maybe even new friends...

I face planted onto the floor when I was dramatically exiting our video game "portal". That durn portal had a long curtain, which my foot grabbed onto on my way out. It was not pretty. I did not catch myself. I fell lumberjack style, taking one for the team I guess. Thankfully nothing was injured, not even my pride. However, I am feeling a bit sore today!
I watched a guy throw a paper airplane from the middle of the stage and saw it coincidently and hysterically land into a woman's mouth during intermission. Now that was funny. You can't plan these things.

And guess who got my Free cupcake for the day? Yes! Kelly, with the paper airplane in her mouth. 

Now let's get to some quick outfit business...Once we get home from VBC, I hang up my costume, which consists of a t-shirt that says "Player 2" and a lab coat. The rest I change out from day to day. Today I wore jeans, which are always an easy fashion start.  I just threw this white, ruffle tank, simple accessories and my vans, which came with 2 sets of laces. Check out these fun colors...

Hello $5 Wal-Mart Shades...No Wal-Mart did not send me those so my opinions in this post are totally my own. ;)

Today I close with our favorite 8 years olds and our favorite cow...

Well, That is all for today my friends! I'm beat! No seriously, beat!




  1. Love this casual look, your top is so pretty and I love those sunnies! They are the cutest 8 YOs ever! Have an awesome weekend and fourth.

    xx, Elise

    1. Thank you Elise. :) I hope you have a fabulous 4th as well. From what I've seen on your blog, I already know you're going to look amazing!

  2. Man, you look CUTE! Love those Ruffles and Vans will seriously be in trend forever! Those boys are so stinkin' their mama!

    1. Aww, thank you Andrea! And I hope you're right about Vans. They've been around since the 70's, so there's hope in that. :)

  3. Great classic look. I love your sunnies. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

  4. Great casual outfit! Thanks for linking up with Thursday Moda!

  5. Sounds like you are having such fun with VBS! Very cute ruffle tank and Vans. Your cross-body bag and accessories complete your casual look perfectly!

    Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday and co-hosting, Chrissy!


    1. Thank you Jennie! That bag is one of the only bold, bun colors I have in purses. It's time to branch out!


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