Thursday, June 22, 2017

Thursday Moda Link Up & Casual Girly Style

Hi! I'm stepping out my dears. I mean, what is this? Ballerina just left practice? Grunge with a touch of fem?  Would I be featured on "What Not To Wear" (if it was still on - boy I miss that show!!)? Regardless of its' style, wearing it put a smile on my face and made me feel playful (which my 8 year olds always love). So someone join me in the fun!  

 I saw this layering dress on a Facebook group I follow, Corrie Lee Anns Boutique, and before I knew it I was requesting one in the color grey (she also has Navy, Cranberry, Blush-Nude, White and Black). I rarely make impractical purchases, but flashes of twirling princesses and flying unicorns flew through my mind and I clicked order. Have you ever dreamed of being a ballerina when you were a child? I must have. So childhood fantasies combined with the sweet flat price of $20 did me in! (Don't ask me why those three words just took me back to the scene in My Fair Lady when she first enters "society" at the race track.)

When the dress arrived I fell in love with...the packaging!! Yes! I get just as excited about her packaging and surprises inside, as I do about my purchases!

My last order contained a coaster that said "morning vibes" on it. This time I found a hair scrunchi attached to a card that reads "messy bun and getting stuff done". How cute!! I love these personal touches that small businesses are able to add. 
Enough about my emotions revolving around this dress and how it was delivered. Allow me to take a moment to tell you that it's "one size", positively comfortable and will make your dreams come true. ;)  Okay, maybe not quite, but you will be comfortable while you work your booty off towards reaching those dreams.  In the meantime, I look forward to dressing this up very soon (I must get as many wears as possible)! 

Do you own a layering dress? I'd love any styling tips!!

Outfit Breakdown:
Top: Seriously Happy Tees/Layering Dress: Corrie Lee Ann's Boutique/Converse: Nordstrom Rack/Jewelry: Premier Designs/BackPack: Clarks

Ya'll today I'm so excited to be co-hosting the Thursday Moda Link up with the sweet, stylish Ada!! She is delightfully fun, kind and fiercely proud of her family. I love visiting her blog and gaining inspiration from her beautiful self and others I "meet" in the link ups.

Thank you for joining the Thursday Moda linkup. It is my pleasure having you, today. =))

Before joining today, there are a couple of simple rules: First, please, make sure you follow my blog Elegance and Mommyhood  on Bloglovin.  Secondly, if you link up today, I kindly ask that you link back to my blog please. It's the right thing to do, thanks. You can link up to four posts. This is mostly a Fashion/Style linkup, but Beauty, Makeup and Shopping posts are always welcome. 

Last but not least, follow today's Fabulous Thursday Moda Co-Host - Granola & Grace.

Thank you for linking up today and for making THURSDAY MODA a success, going strong for one year now. Please spread the word!

Link up, have fun and meet some other stylish ladies along the way! 

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Such a cute look! Thanks for co-hosting!

  2. Aww, this is just so cute! I really like the fun mix and now I am thinking I need to mix some Chucks with one of my tulle skirts. :)

    1. Thank you Jennie! I would love to see how you sport that!! You're so creative. :)

  3. I loved that show too, Chrissy!! But I love these skirts and I think the tee with it is perfect!!

    1. Thank you Jodie! I've been humming "the rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain" for most of the morning! ;)

  4. Hahahaa, I love how you worded this. You are funny, smart and did I mention beautiful lol? I did not know that was a dress but now I want one or two and for that price - a steal! As I mentioned on my blog, I loved how you styled it. I need to do this myself. And girl I loved that show.

    Chrissy, once again thanks for being part of Thursday Moda today as my co-host. There will be more collabs in the future, I promise. Thanks for your sweet words, too. =)

    1. So sweet Ada. Truly. Thank you and I hope you do get one of these dresses, I look forward to seeing the fun ways YOU style it.. :) Looking forward to those future collabs. ;)

  5. i love how you styled this skirt!

    cute & little

    1. Thank you! I enjoyed visiting your blog today. Such fun style. :)

  6. I love how you styled this look!!

  7. You are the sweetest, most beautiful ballerina ever! Love this look, and LOVE your skirt!

    xx, Elise

    1. Elise, youre the best. Thank you so much. I always enjoy visiting your blog and I anticipate your visits to mine. Feels like I have a friend in the blog world. ;)

  8. Crissy, you look so cool in this tulle skirt! I love that you stilled it street style and didn't go down the ballet romantic way! it's so you! Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

  9. This is such a fun look! I love your tulle skirt styled with the tee and sneakers!

    Doused In Pink

  10. Love this outfit!! So comfy and chic!
    Mónica Sors

  11. This is such a cute + whimsical look, lady!

    Le Stylo Rouge


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