
Monday, May 29, 2017

Red, White & Cognac

Outfit Breakdown:
Top, Dress and Shoes are all second hand or castoffs from friends!
Headband is a gift from Romania
Jewelry: Blanca Necklace, Dessert Diva Bracelet and Cleo Earrings by Premier Designs

Hello! What are you doing this Holiday? What are you wearing? ;) The outfit in these pics came together quickly, but it was built from the hair down. I don't think this is the first time I tried to put an ensemble together to make a hat or hair accessory work. Have you done this? It all started when I ran all four boys to get their hair cut and the sweet stylist noticed me struggling with my hairband. 

"Would you like me to show you how I style my hair with those? "

"Of course!"

She finished up the boys and then proceeded to help me get my short, layered hair tucked in and rolled around this head scarf. 
I watched her start at the side of my head with a small section of hair, tuck it into the scarf and then wrap it around. She repeated this until she got to the center of the back of my head and then went to the other side, where she repeated her first steps. Once she got back to the center she pinned the remaining two strands together in the back. 
I liked the final result and knew that even though I had to change for a party later that evening, I would find a way to make whatever I wore work with this band!

I got home and started digging until I happened upon this dress, passed on to me by a friend last year. I've yet to wear it but today was going to be the day.  Add a few accessories and i was ready to go celebrate this talented cutie.

Hannah is a high schooler no more! She has accompanied me with guitar and voice on many occasions, but I've lost count of the many times I've accompanied her with back up vocals! What a sweet privilege to be a small part of her full life.

I guess I should get her a cupcake one of these days. ;)


Now let's talk about these pics...Don't I look tired? Some may say haggard? I will be honest and say a little drained and I should have slapped some color on my eyes!! I have a penchant for filling up my schedule with STUFF, adding on more errands than necessary, commitments, etc while my usual responsibilities need tending to. I'll go to bed late knowing that my inner alarm clock has no concept of sleeping in. What does all this STUFF with little sleep add up to? A weepy, negative, overly sensitive and withdrawn downer of a gal.

By now I've learned that what I'm feeling and thinking on those days is not to be listened to! Ignore the lies and the garbage. I appreciate my husband, who has learned to just listen on those days. He will remind me of what's true, but mostly he will listen. And that's what I need.  

Another gift he will give me, is time to myself by entertaining the boys. I read my first fiction book of the year this weekend! I was desperate and texted a friend, who happened to have Beth Moore's first fiction novel (The Undoing Of St Silvanus) on hand. It only took a couple chapters before I was drawn into the plot thickened with mystery and even a little suspense.  I enjoy both! Good job Beth Moore!

The book was a fun escape and the weather a perfect companion with light breezes while I lazed in the hammock or sat outside the bakery (yes SPLAT cakes again!) in the shade. I will still have to deal with little hurts, disappointments, etc but for that I go to my heavenly Father. I listen to praise music, read my Bible and remind myself that He is in control of it all, He loves me unconditionally and always has a plan! 

Truth! Truth! Truth!
"But You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth." Ps 86:15
"Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you." I Peter 5:7

I leave you with final thoughts of this Chocoholic cupcake from SPLAT (click here if you have read the latest in my cupcake adventures), after all chocolate soothes a weary gal as well, right?! ;) But this puppy was actually dropped off at a neighbors by the cutest delivery buddy ever!

"Congrats on Your New Business Venture" Delivery 

Also included in this week's cupcake runs was a "Here Comes the Bride" cupcake. No she wasn't getting married, but she does love the movie "The Princess Bride" so why not??

Happy Belated Birthday to Stacey!

That's probably more than most will read for today, so I better end now and get this present day going.  My hopes for the summer are to get more leisure reading done, more cupcakes delivered and more songs added to my limited guitar playing repertoire. How about you?



  1. Can you be anymore precious!!! I mean you and your whole crew, beautiful I tell ya!!! Enjoy this glorious day angel!

    1. Thank you Andrea! Seriously, your comments make my day and encourage me to press on in this blogging venture! ;) You're the best!

  2. This look is so cool. This time the cupcake looks delicious. Well, it has chocolate. There we go. Thanks for joining the Top of the World Style linkup party.

    1. Thank you Nicole! I think I need to branch out of my casuals every once in awhile. ;) Next time I'm in Alaska, I should bring you a chocolate cupcake. ;)

  3. I am a huge fan of this color trio Chrissy. That red dress is super adorable and I love the scarf-like headband you got on.

    Welcome by and join my new linkup this week. And let me know if you'd like to co-host with me sometimes. I'd love to have you. =) You have great style. Link is below.

    Ada =)

    1. Thank you and I'd consider it a privilege to co-host on your blog. How fun! :)


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