
Friday, October 2, 2015

Sister Adventures: Disney World

Hey reader friends. As always I love sharing my adventures big or small. Most of my adventures are small - trips to the park with the boys, movie outings, etc. I just make them out to be adventures because we seem to enjoy it more. But today I want to share about a trip that I couldn't have planned if I tried!

It was a last minute put together to Walt Disney World. Did you see that? LAST MINUTE!!  There's no replicating how well our fast passes and parent swapping aligned to give us a minimal to no waiting fabulous trip. The ages of the kids was perfect. The weather was superb. Those of you who are seasoned Disney goer's are well aware of the need to wake up at the wee hours of the morning to reserve your fast passes the moment they become available! My sister reserved ours about 3 weeks out! We just consider it a blessing, thank God and enjoy savoring the memories.

Hello Magic Kingdom!

She rocked it. We barely had to wait and there was minimal complaining from our littles.

There a little, but it was minimal. Remember - 4 kids, all under 7! 

The secret to how many rides we were able to fast pass was utilizing the child swap along with the fast pass. If we were to go now, this would not work as well because all of my boys can ride all the rides now.

And this beautiful lady, who my boys call "She-She", made the child swap possible.  So thankful we had her to help us wrangle the kiddos, get more fast pass bang and of course more laughs.

Though not pictured, She-She rode lots of rides with the boys! Some rides she had no interest in riding no matter how much we pushed!

Our one Princess pic

The go carts has to be one of my favorite memories. Mainly because I'm not sure I've ever laughed so hard in my life. And the other go cart participators in our group seemed to have a similar experience. My twins wanted to drive. Of course they've never driven before so they were terrible drivers. We crashed into the sides repeatedly. (Whip lash I love you.) They would speed up and then plow into the sides. Then they would over compensate and go too slow.

I'd yell out, "Woah! What are you doing?"

And he would respond, "I don't know! I don't know how to drive!!!"

Oh my goodness.  I'm smiling from ear to ear just recalling how hard I laughed. I want to go back!

Animal Kingdom

We had hopper passes so one of the days we spent most of the morning at Animal Kingdom. We were there long enough to ride the Safari, Everest, the Dinosaur ride and the big water ride. (I was the only one who didn't get soaked.)


One has no zen in Epcot "Around the World" with small children unless they are asleep in their strollers. You can walk through, maybe, as long as you go quickly as possible. Give them food and then get out. They don't care how cool it looks and we didn't have the funds to buy them something at every "country".

We were able to keep this trip on a low budget by eating our breakfast at the condo, pack easy lunches. We ate out twice at Disney Springs and enjoyed endless amounts of entertainment. There was live music, but my favorite was the people watching.

And this guy. He was dressed up in a bedazzled jacket, sunglasses at night, shorty shorts and a sparkly hat.  He danced with the live music and was living life to the full. He made my night!

By the end of our trip, we were so tired that we were slap happy. On our last night we stayed as long as the park permitted and the mass exodus was crazy. We waited an hour to ride the steam boat, but I'd say we barely noticed. We couldn't stop laughing about everything. EVERYTHING was so DANG FUNNY!

I missed my big boys lots and lots, so I guess we will have to go again! How many of you have plans to go to Disney this summer? How many of you have already gone?


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